The implementation of RFID technology has made it possible to optimize the identification and traceability of flat linen and workwear throughout the laundry process. This is made possible, firstly, by an RFID tag attached to a cloth and integrating information, and secondly, by an RFID reader that reads and transmits this data. This technology allows a fast and error-free follow-up of the linen management in laundry applications.
RFID Laundry Tags are ideal for tracking linens, uniforms, and other garments.
In order to be used on linens and garments, RFID laundry tags must be able to survive the water, heat, and pressure experienced in washing machines and dryers. Tags must be waterproof, able to survive temperatures of around 120° F, or 48° C, and able to survive least 1 bar of pressure. Due to the rigorous process of the wash cycle and exposure to items like detergent and chemicals, most RFID laundry tags have a specified lifespan of around 200 wash cycles, or 3 years.

RFID Laundry Tag
Depending on their size and the  antennas being used in the application, RFID laundry tags can typically be read between 2 and 7 meters away. Read distance and form factor are two very important variables to consider in every RFID application, and especially for laundry tracking.、

There are three common ways to attach RFID laundry tags to ensure their security during the laundering process – tags can be sewn on, heat sealed, or secured inside a pouch.
RFID laundry tags that are made from Fabric, are all designed to easily be sewn on linens and garments. Sewing the tag directly on the material is the fastest way to attach an RFID tag, as using a heat sealer or creating a pouch takes more time to complete.
RFID Laundry Tag

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